Micro Impuro Separators

Animal Husbandry

- Micro Impuro Separators

Cattle feed & Cattle feed supplements

Contribution of animals, especially cattle has been indispensable to human beings ever since the beginning of our civilization. For instance, from the very beginning of our childhood, we have been drinking cow milk for balanced growth of our body and good health. With increase in population and hence for increased demand of cow milk and good quality of milk; having more protein and fat; it has now became an urgent necessity to look after rapid and healthy growth of cattle.

For proper growth of cattle their intake should therefore consist of carbohydrate, vegetable protein and Fat containing food so that the milk that is obtained is nutritious (mainly rich in protein) for consumption by human beings. Note that animal protein is not digestible to cattle because such proteins are of high molecular weight. Contribution of dietary food is very important for physical ability, growth and reproduction of cattle. For instance, according to the Ruminant Animal Digestive System, the portion of degradable intake protein (D.I.P) of Vegetable Protein is broken down to ammonia, amino acids and peptide by Rumen Microbes which are used by the microbes along with energy for carbohydrate digestion for growth and reproduction of cattle. Therefore, keeping this in mind, MICRO IMPURO SEPARATORS with their indigenous technology, have developed amino acid based cattle feed supplement for easy assimilation and rapid growth of cattle.